Love Matters

Will avoiding sex make my sperm stronger?

Submitted by Auntyji on Tue, 04/12/2016 - 07:25 pm
Auntyji, my wife and I want to have a child soon. Should I avoid sex or masturbation to preserve my sperm? Will it increase my sperm count? Please advise. Atik (25), Agra.

Auntyji says… Oho… Atik beta, is this some bank account you are holding on to save for a rainy day? Oye nahin oye, read on puttar

Savings account

So betajee, who exactly or what is your source of information? Has someone told you that you need to conserve and preserve semen to get your wife pregnant? Money and savings maybe, semen and sperm not really! It will not increase your sperm count. 

So let’s begin with first things first – trying to get pregnant. Now that has got to be the most legit reason for having a lot of fun sex, a lot of times, in many ways and styles. As you know perhaps, what comes out is actually semen. Semen contains sperm along with other contents. Sperm is essential for getting her pregnant.

Quality over quantity

The good news is we don’t need mass, we need class. Matlab ki good kind of sperm. Yaani ki these little chaps have to be good swimmers. They have to make a dash for it and get ahead in the race of joining up with the ova (or the egg in the woman’s uterus). They have to be over achievers, you can say, with a will to do the job!

Now for this, we need a certain number, but we don’t need all of them. We just need a few with high potential, as explained above. Attention gentlemen who are good in the plumbing department! No cause for alarm? Well then you are ready too!

Atik puttar, don’t worry about how much and what color and consistency. One can’t tell by looking at semen whether the ingredients are okay or not. That we will discover by and by. 

Sort out your dates

Now, go and get her dates right. The lady needs to have a reliable menstrual cycle. Every month, the periods show up, preferably on the same dates or around it. Check for that, at least for three to six months. If you have her dates right, you will be able to ascertain her fertility dates. That can be a good guide to when the chances of a woman conceiving are higher. Not sure shot, but higher.

Have you folks been on any oral contraceptives pills or have you used a Copper T… in her body of course? Any of this? Just checking, because sometimes with prolonged use of contraceptives such as these, it may take some more time for fertility to return. 

Sex baar-baar

Bottom line, no need to save up now? Just have regular sex during her fertile days. Dude, have all the sex you both want, just make sure all the ejaculation happens inside her. Kya pata kiss baar mein hero nikal aaye?

Iske illava, sex, sex and sex is the buzz word. Stay happy and relaxed, eat well, romance and have a lovely time making the love of your life, your baby. Don’t stress at all dude, neither you nor her, nor your in-laws or padosis. Everybody chill.

Beta, sometimes it takes longer than usual to conceive. Let that not be a cause of concern. Usually, it is said, if you have been trying for over eighteen months and still you don’t conceive, you should see a doctor. Usse pehle, no need for panic. Aayegaa aane waala… aayegaa, aayegaa…

To protect the privacy of the author, the person in the picture is a model. 

Do you have any questions about sperm, ejaculation or pregnancy? Do you want to know how to increase your sperm count? Join our discussion forum or contact us via Facebook.