
Your story: First time masturbation

Submitted by Ganesh N on Mon, 08/22/2016 - 11:59 am
First time masturbation experiences can be eye opening, pleasurable, embarrassing or even empowering. We asked some young Indians to share their first time stories…

The best orgasm ever

Anil (27), pharmaceutical professional.

We lived in a joint family and we never spoke about masturbation. I was shocked when I was admitted to a boarding school. For a long time there, it seemed that this was the only thing boys spoke about or did. I frankly felt it was lame. I couldn’t understand how your hand could replace a vagina.

Once in my eighth grade, partially out of curiosity and a little boredom, I grabbed a few old magazines. They were Debonair from my friend’s bunk, and I finally masturbated. It lasted barely five to ten minutes, but it felt like an hour. Till date, that was the best orgasm I have ever had.

Worried I’d go blind

Xavier (24), Merchant Navy officer.

When I was 14, my older cousin taught me to masturbate when he visited us with his family. We casually began talking about girls and sex. He was actually surprised that I hadn’t masturbated till then or knew much about sex.

It may seem weird and funny now, but I masturbated with him in the same room. One afternoon when our family members had gone out, we watched a porn movie and masturbated. It felt great and I was looking forward to do it more often. But my stupid cousin warned me that masturbating every day would make me blind. I actually believed that till I was17.

Accidental but fun

Shreya (32), dance instructor.

My first time was in the shower when I was 16. It was partly accidental. I mean, I hadn’t gone to the bathroom to masturbate. About the experience, well let’s say the detachable shower spray hit the right notes.

Want to know more about myths and facts on masturbation?

Fashion TV was my saviour

Ashwin (29), freelance writer.

I was 14 when I masturbated for the first time. Back then, we didn’t have a computer at our home. ‘Fashion TV’ was my saviour. Mom and dad both used to spend their days at work. That left me alone with the TV and my fantasies.

I still remember those days when they used to telecast the making of the Pirelli calendar which was uncensored. My first time was while watching that.

Confusing as well as enjoyable

Swati (31), NGO worker.

I guess I have to thank writer Shobha De. I was reading one of her books in bed from my elder sister’s collection when I got aroused. I think I was 15 then. The pillow came in handy.

Be it a boy or a girl, anyone will tell you their first time is always weird. You are suddenly taken over by how your body is reacting to it. It is confusing as well as enjoyable.

All names have been changed on request. This article was first published on 4 January 2016.

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