Sun, 03/22/2015 - 12:29 pm
I am student and living in girls Hostel where we slept nude in room with room mate and ever room partner know about each of us.I marked that male avoid to pee infront of male but in girls,or married ladies are just opposite with male thaoughts and do not feel any same or shy the pee before each of them and watch their pee showers and feel pleasure and say her viginal place is good and view all of them frequently. In my hostel had saw lot of girls viginal place and out of 80% are dark and 40%girls are keep her pussy neat and clean and shave her pubic hairs. Most of the girls have hide physical relations with young boys and some are attended hi fy society on exchange of money basis.in day and college time but all are happy with their dark and black viginal place and bipple buttons. I think being a girl that girls hostel is the best class where we learn more about sex0and its pleasure by viewing porn film. Penis is penis either it is black or white similarly pussy is pussy either it is black or dark or fai in colour. We girls born. To give viginal pleasure to men and enjoy penis pleasure when it is in side of us and during the time of intercourse never think about his penis skin color only think fuck me hard and keep me and my pussy happy. Her main aim and object is too enjoy penis pleasure and feel happy. It is useless thinking about color of skin. Every one either he or she knows that men SEMEN or Sperm OR money color is white when he discharge in her mouth. During oral sex and when at viginal sex never it is black.


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