
Yes, people with disability have sex lives

Submitted by Sarah on Wed, 12/05/2018 - 12:06 pm
Despite what many of us think, men and women with physical or mental disabilities also have sex. But is it an enjoyable experience?

Do they?

To begin to answer this question, US researchers studied almost 5500 boys and girls as they moved from their teenage years through to adulthood. They wanted to know things like how old these teens were the first time they had sex and if they lost their virginity to boyfriends, girlfriends, or strangers, and whether they used contraception and birth control.

The researchers wanted to understand how the experience of first-time sex changes based on the kind of disability a person has and whether it’s mild or severe.

They looked at teens with learning or emotional disabilities: those that have difficulty at school, perhaps because of attention deficit disorder, or that have an emotional or mental problem that affects going to class and other everyday parts of their day-to-day life.

The researchers also looked at how chronic health problems like cancer, epilepsy, or asthma can affect the first time a teen has sex. Finally, they wanted to know how teens who have difficulties with one of their senses, whether it’s seeing, hearing, or speaking, lose their virginity.

What’s it like?

Teens and young adults with disabilities definitely have sex, the research showed. And just like those without disabilities, the experience is different for everyone.

For example, teens with learning or emotional difficulties are more likely to give some serious thought to birth control before having sex for the first time, the study showed.

Girls also tend to lose their virginity to a partner in a serious relationship – like their fiancée or the man they’re living with. But guys with learning or emotional difficulties are more likely to do so at a very young age – between 12 and 14 compared to those who don’t have disabilities.

How to

These behaviours can increase risks associated with intercourse, such as STDs, past research has shown. That’s why it’s super important to be informed, have the tools you need (like condoms and birth control), and give some thought to the decision to lose your virginity.

If you have a disability and are thinking about having sex for the first time, get educated and talk through any questions or concerns you might have. Check out our website for more details.


Disability and the Context of Boys’ First Sexual Intercourse. Journal of Adolescent Health Published 2016

The First Sexual Experience Among Adolescent Girls With and Without Disabilities. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. Published 2012

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